Skyrim Alchemy Helper
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By Ingredient (effects in alphabetical order [swap] )
Ingredient | Effect #1 | Effect #2 | Effect #3 | Effect #4 |
Abecean Longfin | Fortify Restoration | Fortify Sneak | Weakness to Frost | Weakness to Poison |
Bear Claws | Damage Magicka Regen | Fortify Health | Fortify One-Handed | Restore Stamina |
Bee | Ravage Stamina | Regenerate Stamina | Restore Stamina | Weakness to Shock |
Beehive Husk | Fortify Destruction | Fortify Light Armor | Fortify Sneak | Resist Poison |
Bleeding Crown | Fortify Block | Resist Magic | Weakness to Fire | Weakness to Poison |
Blisterwort | Damage Stamina | Fortify Smithing | Frenzy | Restore Health |
Blue Butterfly Wing | Damage Magicka Regen | Damage Stamina | Fortify Conjuration | Fortify Enchanting |
Blue Dartwing | Fear | Fortify Pickpocket | Resist Shock | Restore Health |
Blue Mountain Flower | Damage Magicka Regen | Fortify Conjuration | Fortify Health | Restore Health |
Bone Meal | Damage Stamina | Fortify Conjuration | Ravage Stamina | Resist Fire |
Briar Heart | Fortify Block | Fortify Magicka | Paralysis | Restore Magicka |
Butterfly Wing | Damage Magicka | Lingering Damage Stamina | Restore Health | |
Canis Root | Damage Stamina | Fortify Marksman | Fortify One-Handed | Paralysis |
Charred Skeever Hide | Cure Disease | Resist Poison | Restore Health | Restore Stamina |
Chaurus Eggs | Damage Magicka | Fortify Stamina | Invisibility | Weakness to Poison |
Chicken's Egg | Damage Magicka Regen | Lingering Damage Stamina | Resist Magic | Waterbreathing |
Creep Cluster | Damage Stamina Regen | Fortify Carry Weight | Restore Magicka | Weakness to Magic |
Crimson Nirnroot | Damage Health | Damage Stamina | Invisibility | Resist Magic |
Cyrodilic Spadetail | Damage Stamina | Fear | Fortify Restoration | Ravage Health |
Daedra Heart | Damage Magicka | Damage Stamina Regen | Fear | Restore Health |
Deathbell | Damage Health | Ravage Stamina | Slow | Weakness to Poison |
Dragon's Tongue | Fortify Illusion | Fortify Two-Handed | Resist Fire | |
Dwarven Oil | Fortify Illusion | Regenerate Magicka | Restore Magicka | Weakness to Magic |
Ectoplasm | Damage Health | Fortify Destruction | Fortify Magicka | Restore Magicka |
Elves Ear | Fortify Marksman | Resist Fire | Restore Magicka | Weakness to Frost |
Eye of Sabre Cat | Damage Magicka | Ravage Health | Restore Health | Restore Stamina |
Falmer Ear | Damage Health | Fortify Lockpicking | Frenzy | Resist Poison |
Fire Salts | Regenerate Magicka | Resist Fire | Restore Magicka | Weakness to Frost |
Fly Amanita | Fortify Two-Handed | Frenzy | Regenerate Stamina | Resist Fire |
Frost Mirriam | Damage Stamina Regen | Fortify Sneak | Ravage Magicka | Resist Frost |
Frost Salts | Fortify Conjuration | Resist Frost | Restore Magicka | Weakness to Fire |
Garlic | Fortify Stamina | Regenerate Health | Regenerate Magicka | Resist Poison |
Giant Lichen | Ravage Health | Restore Magicka | Weakness to Poison | Weakness to Shock |
Giant's Toe | Damage Stamina | Damage Stamina Regen | Fortify Carry Weight | Fortify Health |
Glow Dust | Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regen | Fortify Destruction | Resist Shock |
Glowing Mushroom | Fortify Destruction | Fortify Health | Fortify Smithing | Resist Shock |
Grass Pod | Fortify Alteration | Ravage Magicka | Resist Poison | Restore Magicka |
Hagraven Claw | Fortify Enchanting | Lingering Damage Magicka | Resist Magic | |
Hagraven Feathers | Damage Magicka | Fortify Conjuration | Frenzy | Weakness to Shock |
Hanging Moss | Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regen | Fortify Health | Fortify One-Handed |
Hawk Beak | Fortify Carry Weight | Resist Frost | Resist Shock | Restore Stamina |
Hawk Feathers | Cure Disease | Fortify Light Armor | Fortify One-Handed | Fortify Sneak |
Histcarp | Damage Stamina Regen | Fortify Magicka | Restore Stamina | Waterbreathing |
Honeycomb | Fortify Block | Fortify Light Armor | Ravage Stamina | Restore Stamina |
Human Flesh | Damage Health | Fortify Sneak | Paralysis | Restore Magicka |
Human Heart | Damage Health | Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regen | Frenzy |
Ice Wraith Teeth | Fortify Heavy Armor | Invisibility | Weakness to Fire | Weakness to Frost |
Imp Stool | Damage Health | Lingering Damage Health | Paralysis | Restore Health |
Jarrin Root | Damage Health | Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regen | Damage Stamina |
Jazbay Grapes | Fortify Magicka | Ravage Health | Regenerate Magicka | Weakness to Magic |
Juniper Berries | Damage Stamina Regen | Fortify Marksman | Regenerate Health | Weakness to Fire |
Large Antlers | Damage Stamina Regen | Fortify Stamina | Restore Stamina | Slow |
Lavender | Fortify Conjuration | Fortify Stamina | Ravage Magicka | Resist Magic |
Luna Moth Wing | Damage Magicka | Fortify Light Armor | Invisibility | Regenerate Health |
Moon Sugar | Regenerate Magicka | Resist Frost | Restore Magicka | Weakness to Fire |
Mora Tapinella | Fortify Illusion | Lingering Damage Health | Regenerate Stamina | Restore Magicka |
Mudcrab Chitin | Cure Disease | Resist Fire | Resist Poison | Restore Stamina |
Niamira's Rot | Damage Magicka | Fear | Fortify Lockpicking | Regenerate Health |
Nightshade | Damage Health | Damage Magicka Regen | Fortify Destruction | Lingering Damage Stamina |
Nirnroot | Damage Health | Damage Stamina | Invisibility | Resist Magic |
Damage Magicka | Fortify Pickpocket | Regenerate Health | Waterbreathing | |
Orange Dartwing | Fortify Pickpocket | Lingering Damage Health | Ravage Magicka | Restore Stamina |
Pearl | Fortify Block | Resist Shock | Restore Magicka | Restore Stamina |
Pine Thrush Egg | Fortify Lockpicking | Resist Shock | Restore Stamina | Weakness to Poison |
Powdered Mammoth Tusk | Fear | Fortify Sneak | Restore Stamina | Weakness to Fire |
Purple Mountain Flower | Fortify Sneak | Lingering Damage Magicka | Resist Frost | Restore Stamina |
Red Mountain Flower | Damage Health | Fortify Magicka | Ravage Magicka | Restore Magicka |
River Betty | Damage Health | Fortify Alteration | Fortify Carry Weight | Slow |
Rock Warbler Egg | Damage Stamina | Fortify One-Handed | Restore Health | Weakness to Magic |
Sabre Cat Tooth | Fortify Heavy Armor | Fortify Smithing | Restore Stamina | Weakness to Poison |
Salt Pile | Fortify Restoration | Regenerate Magicka | Slow | Weakness to Magic |
Scaly Pholiata | Fortify Carry Weight | Fortify Illusion | Regenerate Stamina | Weakness to Magic |
Silverside Perch | Damage Stamina Regen | Ravage Health | Resist Frost | Restore Stamina |
Skeever Tail | Damage Health | Damage Stamina Regen | Fortify Light Armor | Ravage Health |
Slaughterfish Egg | Fortify Pickpocket | Fortify Stamina | Lingering Damage Health | Resist Poison |
Slaughterfish Scales | Fortify Block | Fortify Heavy Armor | Lingering Damage Health | Resist Frost |
Small Antlers | Damage Health | Fortify Restoration | Lingering Damage Stamina | Weakness to Poison |
Small Pearl | Fortify One-Handed | Fortify Restoration | Resist Frost | Restore Stamina |
Snowberries | Fortify Enchanting | Resist Fire | Resist Frost | Resist Shock |
Spider Egg | Damage Magicka Regen | Damage Stamina | Fortify Lockpicking | Fortify Marksman |
Spriggan Sap | Damage Magicka Regen | Fortify Alteration | Fortify Enchanting | Fortify Smithing |
Swamp Fungal Pod | Lingering Damage Magicka | Paralysis | Resist Shock | Restore Health |
Taproot | Fortify Illusion | Regenerate Magicka | Restore Magicka | Weakness to Magic |
Thistle Branch | Fortify Heavy Armor | Ravage Stamina | Resist Frost | Resist Poison |
Torchbug Thorax | Fortify Stamina | Lingering Damage Magicka | Restore Stamina | Weakness to Magic |
Troll Fat | Damage Health | Fortify Two-Handed | Frenzy | Resist Poison |
Tundra Cotton | Fortify Block | Fortify Magicka | Resist Magic | |
Vampire Dust | Cure Disease | Invisibility | Regenerate Health | Restore Magicka |
Void Salts | Damage Health | Fortify Magicka | Resist Magic | Weakness to Shock |
Wheat | Damage Stamina Regen | Fortify Health | Lingering Damage Magicka | Restore Health |
White Cap | Fortify Heavy Armor | Ravage Magicka | Restore Magicka | Weakness to Frost |
Wisp Wrappings | Fortify Carry Weight | Fortify Destruction | Resist Magic | Restore Stamina |
By Effect
Effect | Ingredients |
Cure Disease | Charred Skeever Hide, Hawk Feathers, Mudcrab Chitin, Vampire Dust |
Damage Health | Crimson Nirnroot, Deathbell, Ectoplasm, Falmer Ear, Human Flesh, Human Heart, Imp Stool, Jarrin Root, Nightshade, Nirnroot, Red Mountain Flower, River Betty, Skeever Tail, Small Antlers, Troll Fat, Void Salts |
Damage Magicka | Butterfly Wing, Chaurus Eggs, Daedra Heart, Eye of Sabre Cat, Glow Dust, Hagraven Feathers, Hanging Moss, Human Heart, Jarrin Root, Luna Moth Wing, Niamira's Rot, |
Damage Magicka Regen | Bear Claws, Blue Butterfly Wing, Blue Mountain Flower, Chicken's Egg, Glow Dust, Hanging Moss, Human Heart, Jarrin Root, Nightshade, Spider Egg, Spriggan Sap |
Damage Stamina | Blisterwort, Blue Butterfly Wing, Bone Meal, Canis Root, Crimson Nirnroot, Cyrodilic Spadetail, Giant's Toe, Jarrin Root, Nirnroot, Rock Warbler Egg, Spider Egg |
Damage Stamina Regen | Creep Cluster, Daedra Heart, Frost Mirriam, Giant's Toe, Histcarp, Juniper Berries, Large Antlers, Silverside Perch, Skeever Tail, Wheat |
Fear | Blue Dartwing, Cyrodilic Spadetail, Daedra Heart, Niamira's Rot, Powdered Mammoth Tusk |
Fortify Alteration | Grass Pod, River Betty, Spriggan Sap |
Butterfly Wing, Dragon's Tongue, Hagraven Claw, Tundra Cotton | |
Fortify Block | Bleeding Crown, Briar Heart, Honeycomb, Pearl, Slaughterfish Scales, Tundra Cotton |
Fortify Carry Weight | Creep Cluster, Giant's Toe, Hawk Beak, River Betty, Scaly Pholiata, Wisp Wrappings |
Fortify Conjuration | Blue Butterfly Wing, Blue Mountain Flower, Bone Meal, Frost Salts, Hagraven Feathers, Lavender |
Fortify Destruction | Beehive Husk, Ectoplasm, Glow Dust, Glowing Mushroom, Nightshade, Wisp Wrappings |
Fortify Enchanting | Blue Butterfly Wing, Hagraven Claw, Snowberries, Spriggan Sap |
Fortify Health | Bear Claws, Blue Mountain Flower, Giant's Toe, Glowing Mushroom, Hanging Moss, Wheat |
Fortify Heavy Armor | Ice Wraith Teeth, Sabre Cat Tooth, Slaughterfish Scales, Thistle Branch, White Cap |
Fortify Illusion | Dragon's Tongue, Dwarven Oil, Mora Tapinella, Scaly Pholiata, Taproot |
Fortify Light Armor | Beehive Husk, Hawk Feathers, Honeycomb, Luna Moth Wing, Skeever Tail |
Fortify Lockpicking | Falmer Ear, Niamira's Rot, Pine Thrush Egg, Spider Egg |
Fortify Magicka | Briar Heart, Ectoplasm, Histcarp, Jazbay Grapes, Red Mountain Flower, Tundra Cotton, Void Salts |
Fortify Marksman | Canis Root, Elves Ear, Juniper Berries, Spider Egg |
Fortify One-Handed | Bear Claws, Canis Root, Hanging Moss, Hawk Feathers, Rock Warbler Egg, Small Pearl |
Fortify Pickpocket | Blue Dartwing, , Orange Dartwing, Slaughterfish Egg |
Fortify Restoration | Abecean Longfin, Cyrodilic Spadetail, Salt Pile, Small Antlers, Small Pearl |
Fortify Smithing | Blisterwort, Glowing Mushroom, Sabre Cat Tooth, Spriggan Sap |
Fortify Sneak | Abecean Longfin, Beehive Husk, Frost Mirriam, Hawk Feathers, Human Flesh, Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain Flower |
Fortify Stamina | Chaurus Eggs, Garlic, Large Antlers, Lavender, Slaughterfish Egg, Torchbug Thorax |
Fortify Two-Handed | Dragon's Tongue, Fly Amanita, Troll Fat |
Frenzy | Blisterwort, Falmer Ear, Fly Amanita, Hagraven Feathers, Human Heart, Troll Fat |
Invisibility | Chaurus Eggs, Crimson Nirnroot, Ice Wraith Teeth, Luna Moth Wing, Nirnroot, Vampire Dust |
Lingering Damage Health | Imp Stool, Mora Tapinella, Orange Dartwing, Slaughterfish Egg, Slaughterfish Scales |
Lingering Damage Magicka | Hagraven Claw, Purple Mountain Flower, Swamp Fungal Pod, Torchbug Thorax, Wheat |
Lingering Damage Stamina | Butterfly Wing, Chicken's Egg, Nightshade, Small Antlers |
Paralysis | Briar Heart, Canis Root, Human Flesh, Imp Stool, Swamp Fungal Pod |
Ravage Health | Cyrodilic Spadetail, Eye of Sabre Cat, Giant Lichen, Jazbay Grapes, Silverside Perch, Skeever Tail |
Ravage Magicka | Frost Mirriam, Grass Pod, Lavender, Orange Dartwing, Red Mountain Flower, White Cap |
Ravage Stamina | Bee, Bone Meal, Deathbell, Honeycomb, Thistle Branch |
Regenerate Health | Garlic, Juniper Berries, Luna Moth Wing, Niamira's Rot, , Vampire Dust |
Regenerate Magicka | Dwarven Oil, Fire Salts, Garlic, Jazbay Grapes, Moon Sugar, Salt Pile, Taproot |
Regenerate Stamina | Bee, Fly Amanita, Mora Tapinella, Scaly Pholiata |
Resist Fire | Bone Meal, Dragon's Tongue, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Fly Amanita, Mudcrab Chitin, Snowberries |
Resist Frost | Frost Mirriam, Frost Salts, Hawk Beak, Moon Sugar, Purple Mountain Flower, Silverside Perch, Slaughterfish Scales, Small Pearl, Snowberries, Thistle Branch |
Resist Magic | Bleeding Crown, Chicken's Egg, Crimson Nirnroot, Hagraven Claw, Lavender, Nirnroot, Tundra Cotton, Void Salts, Wisp Wrappings |
Resist Poison | Beehive Husk, Charred Skeever Hide, Falmer Ear, Garlic, Grass Pod, Mudcrab Chitin, Slaughterfish Egg, Thistle Branch, Troll Fat |
Resist Shock | Blue Dartwing, Glow Dust, Glowing Mushroom, Hawk Beak, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg, Snowberries, Swamp Fungal Pod |
Restore Health | Blisterwort, Blue Dartwing, Blue Mountain Flower, Butterfly Wing, Charred Skeever Hide, Daedra Heart, Eye of Sabre Cat, Imp Stool, Rock Warbler Egg, Swamp Fungal Pod, Wheat |
Restore Magicka | Briar Heart, Creep Cluster, Dwarven Oil, Ectoplasm, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Frost Salts, Giant Lichen, Grass Pod, Human Flesh, Moon Sugar, Mora Tapinella, Pearl, Red Mountain Flower, Taproot, Vampire Dust, White Cap |
Restore Stamina | Bear Claws, Bee, Charred Skeever Hide, Eye of Sabre Cat, Hawk Beak, Histcarp, Honeycomb, Large Antlers, Mudcrab Chitin, Orange Dartwing, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg, Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain Flower, Sabre Cat Tooth, Silverside Perch, Small Pearl, Torchbug Thorax, Wisp Wrappings |
Slow | Deathbell, Large Antlers, River Betty, Salt Pile |
Waterbreathing | Chicken's Egg, Histcarp, |
Weakness to Fire | Bleeding Crown, Frost Salts, Ice Wraith Teeth, Juniper Berries, Moon Sugar, Powdered Mammoth Tusk |
Weakness to Frost | Abecean Longfin, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Ice Wraith Teeth, White Cap |
Weakness to Magic | Creep Cluster, Dwarven Oil, Jazbay Grapes, Rock Warbler Egg, Salt Pile, Scaly Pholiata, Taproot, Torchbug Thorax |
Weakness to Poison | Abecean Longfin, Bleeding Crown, Chaurus Eggs, Deathbell, Giant Lichen, Pine Thrush Egg, Sabre Cat Tooth, Small Antlers |
Weakness to Shock | Bee, Giant Lichen, Hagraven Feathers, Void Salts |
By All the Things (static reference)
Ingredient | Effect | Shared Ingredients |
Abecean Longfin | Fortify Restoration | Abecean Longfin, Cyrodilic Spadetail, Salt Pile, Small Antlers, Small Pearl |
Fortify Sneak | Abecean Longfin, Beehive Husk, Frost Mirriam, Hawk Feathers, Human Flesh, Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain Flower | |
Weakness to Frost | Abecean Longfin, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Ice Wraith Teeth, White Cap | |
Weakness to Poison | Abecean Longfin, Bleeding Crown, Chaurus Eggs, Deathbell, Giant Lichen, Pine Thrush Egg, Sabre Cat Tooth, Small Antlers | |
Bear Claws | Damage Magicka Regen | Bear Claws, Blue Butterfly Wing, Blue Mountain Flower, Chicken's Egg, Glow Dust, Hanging Moss, Human Heart, Jarrin Root, Nightshade, Spider Egg, Spriggan Sap |
Fortify Health | Bear Claws, Blue Mountain Flower, Giant's Toe, Glowing Mushroom, Hanging Moss, Wheat | |
Fortify One-Handed | Bear Claws, Canis Root, Hanging Moss, Hawk Feathers, Rock Warbler Egg, Small Pearl | |
Restore Stamina | Bear Claws, Bee, Charred Skeever Hide, Eye of Sabre Cat, Hawk Beak, Histcarp, Honeycomb, Large Antlers, Mudcrab Chitin, Orange Dartwing, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg, Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain Flower, Sabre Cat Tooth, Silverside Perch, Small Pearl, Torchbug Thorax, Wisp Wrappings | |
Bee | Ravage Stamina | Bee, Bone Meal, Deathbell, Honeycomb, Thistle Branch |
Regenerate Stamina | Bee, Fly Amanita, Mora Tapinella, Scaly Pholiata | |
Restore Stamina | Bear Claws, Bee, Charred Skeever Hide, Eye of Sabre Cat, Hawk Beak, Histcarp, Honeycomb, Large Antlers, Mudcrab Chitin, Orange Dartwing, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg, Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain Flower, Sabre Cat Tooth, Silverside Perch, Small Pearl, Torchbug Thorax, Wisp Wrappings | |
Weakness to Shock | Bee, Giant Lichen, Hagraven Feathers, Void Salts | |
Beehive Husk | Fortify Destruction | Beehive Husk, Ectoplasm, Glow Dust, Glowing Mushroom, Nightshade, Wisp Wrappings |
Fortify Light Armor | Beehive Husk, Hawk Feathers, Honeycomb, Luna Moth Wing, Skeever Tail | |
Fortify Sneak | Abecean Longfin, Beehive Husk, Frost Mirriam, Hawk Feathers, Human Flesh, Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain Flower | |
Resist Poison | Beehive Husk, Charred Skeever Hide, Falmer Ear, Garlic, Grass Pod, Mudcrab Chitin, Slaughterfish Egg, Thistle Branch, Troll Fat | |
Bleeding Crown | Fortify Block | Bleeding Crown, Briar Heart, Honeycomb, Pearl, Slaughterfish Scales, Tundra Cotton |
Resist Magic | Bleeding Crown, Chicken's Egg, Crimson Nirnroot, Hagraven Claw, Lavender, Nirnroot, Tundra Cotton, Void Salts, Wisp Wrappings | |
Weakness to Fire | Bleeding Crown, Frost Salts, Ice Wraith Teeth, Juniper Berries, Moon Sugar, Powdered Mammoth Tusk | |
Weakness to Poison | Abecean Longfin, Bleeding Crown, Chaurus Eggs, Deathbell, Giant Lichen, Pine Thrush Egg, Sabre Cat Tooth, Small Antlers | |
Blisterwort | Damage Stamina | Blisterwort, Blue Butterfly Wing, Bone Meal, Canis Root, Crimson Nirnroot, Cyrodilic Spadetail, Giant's Toe, Jarrin Root, Nirnroot, Rock Warbler Egg, Spider Egg |
Fortify Smithing | Blisterwort, Glowing Mushroom, Sabre Cat Tooth, Spriggan Sap | |
Frenzy | Blisterwort, Falmer Ear, Fly Amanita, Hagraven Feathers, Human Heart, Troll Fat | |
Restore Health | Blisterwort, Blue Dartwing, Blue Mountain Flower, Butterfly Wing, Charred Skeever Hide, Daedra Heart, Eye of Sabre Cat, Imp Stool, Rock Warbler Egg, Swamp Fungal Pod, Wheat | |
Blue Butterfly Wing | Damage Magicka Regen | Bear Claws, Blue Butterfly Wing, Blue Mountain Flower, Chicken's Egg, Glow Dust, Hanging Moss, Human Heart, Jarrin Root, Nightshade, Spider Egg, Spriggan Sap |
Damage Stamina | Blisterwort, Blue Butterfly Wing, Bone Meal, Canis Root, Crimson Nirnroot, Cyrodilic Spadetail, Giant's Toe, Jarrin Root, Nirnroot, Rock Warbler Egg, Spider Egg | |
Fortify Conjuration | Blue Butterfly Wing, Blue Mountain Flower, Bone Meal, Frost Salts, Hagraven Feathers, Lavender | |
Fortify Enchanting | Blue Butterfly Wing, Hagraven Claw, Snowberries, Spriggan Sap | |
Blue Dartwing | Fear | Blue Dartwing, Cyrodilic Spadetail, Daedra Heart, Niamira's Rot, Powdered Mammoth Tusk |
Fortify Pickpocket | Blue Dartwing, , Orange Dartwing, Slaughterfish Egg | |
Resist Shock | Blue Dartwing, Glow Dust, Glowing Mushroom, Hawk Beak, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg, Snowberries, Swamp Fungal Pod | |
Restore Health | Blisterwort, Blue Dartwing, Blue Mountain Flower, Butterfly Wing, Charred Skeever Hide, Daedra Heart, Eye of Sabre Cat, Imp Stool, Rock Warbler Egg, Swamp Fungal Pod, Wheat | |
Blue Mountain Flower | Damage Magicka Regen | Bear Claws, Blue Butterfly Wing, Blue Mountain Flower, Chicken's Egg, Glow Dust, Hanging Moss, Human Heart, Jarrin Root, Nightshade, Spider Egg, Spriggan Sap |
Fortify Conjuration | Blue Butterfly Wing, Blue Mountain Flower, Bone Meal, Frost Salts, Hagraven Feathers, Lavender | |
Fortify Health | Bear Claws, Blue Mountain Flower, Giant's Toe, Glowing Mushroom, Hanging Moss, Wheat | |
Restore Health | Blisterwort, Blue Dartwing, Blue Mountain Flower, Butterfly Wing, Charred Skeever Hide, Daedra Heart, Eye of Sabre Cat, Imp Stool, Rock Warbler Egg, Swamp Fungal Pod, Wheat | |
Bone Meal | Damage Stamina | Blisterwort, Blue Butterfly Wing, Bone Meal, Canis Root, Crimson Nirnroot, Cyrodilic Spadetail, Giant's Toe, Jarrin Root, Nirnroot, Rock Warbler Egg, Spider Egg |
Fortify Conjuration | Blue Butterfly Wing, Blue Mountain Flower, Bone Meal, Frost Salts, Hagraven Feathers, Lavender | |
Ravage Stamina | Bee, Bone Meal, Deathbell, Honeycomb, Thistle Branch | |
Resist Fire | Bone Meal, Dragon's Tongue, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Fly Amanita, Mudcrab Chitin, Snowberries | |
Briar Heart | Fortify Block | Bleeding Crown, Briar Heart, Honeycomb, Pearl, Slaughterfish Scales, Tundra Cotton |
Fortify Magicka | Briar Heart, Ectoplasm, Histcarp, Jazbay Grapes, Red Mountain Flower, Tundra Cotton, Void Salts | |
Paralysis | Briar Heart, Canis Root, Human Flesh, Imp Stool, Swamp Fungal Pod | |
Restore Magicka | Briar Heart, Creep Cluster, Dwarven Oil, Ectoplasm, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Frost Salts, Giant Lichen, Grass Pod, Human Flesh, Moon Sugar, Mora Tapinella, Pearl, Red Mountain Flower, Taproot, Vampire Dust, White Cap | |
Butterfly Wing | Damage Magicka | Butterfly Wing, Chaurus Eggs, Daedra Heart, Eye of Sabre Cat, Glow Dust, Hagraven Feathers, Hanging Moss, Human Heart, Jarrin Root, Luna Moth Wing, Niamira's Rot, |
Butterfly Wing, Dragon's Tongue, Hagraven Claw, Tundra Cotton | ||
Lingering Damage Stamina | Butterfly Wing, Chicken's Egg, Nightshade, Small Antlers | |
Restore Health | Blisterwort, Blue Dartwing, Blue Mountain Flower, Butterfly Wing, Charred Skeever Hide, Daedra Heart, Eye of Sabre Cat, Imp Stool, Rock Warbler Egg, Swamp Fungal Pod, Wheat | |
Canis Root | Damage Stamina | Blisterwort, Blue Butterfly Wing, Bone Meal, Canis Root, Crimson Nirnroot, Cyrodilic Spadetail, Giant's Toe, Jarrin Root, Nirnroot, Rock Warbler Egg, Spider Egg |
Fortify Marksman | Canis Root, Elves Ear, Juniper Berries, Spider Egg | |
Fortify One-Handed | Bear Claws, Canis Root, Hanging Moss, Hawk Feathers, Rock Warbler Egg, Small Pearl | |
Paralysis | Briar Heart, Canis Root, Human Flesh, Imp Stool, Swamp Fungal Pod | |
Charred Skeever Hide | Cure Disease | Charred Skeever Hide, Hawk Feathers, Mudcrab Chitin, Vampire Dust |
Resist Poison | Beehive Husk, Charred Skeever Hide, Falmer Ear, Garlic, Grass Pod, Mudcrab Chitin, Slaughterfish Egg, Thistle Branch, Troll Fat | |
Restore Health | Blisterwort, Blue Dartwing, Blue Mountain Flower, Butterfly Wing, Charred Skeever Hide, Daedra Heart, Eye of Sabre Cat, Imp Stool, Rock Warbler Egg, Swamp Fungal Pod, Wheat | |
Restore Stamina | Bear Claws, Bee, Charred Skeever Hide, Eye of Sabre Cat, Hawk Beak, Histcarp, Honeycomb, Large Antlers, Mudcrab Chitin, Orange Dartwing, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg, Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain Flower, Sabre Cat Tooth, Silverside Perch, Small Pearl, Torchbug Thorax, Wisp Wrappings | |
Chaurus Eggs | Damage Magicka | Butterfly Wing, Chaurus Eggs, Daedra Heart, Eye of Sabre Cat, Glow Dust, Hagraven Feathers, Hanging Moss, Human Heart, Jarrin Root, Luna Moth Wing, Niamira's Rot, |
Fortify Stamina | Chaurus Eggs, Garlic, Large Antlers, Lavender, Slaughterfish Egg, Torchbug Thorax | |
Invisibility | Chaurus Eggs, Crimson Nirnroot, Ice Wraith Teeth, Luna Moth Wing, Nirnroot, Vampire Dust | |
Weakness to Poison | Abecean Longfin, Bleeding Crown, Chaurus Eggs, Deathbell, Giant Lichen, Pine Thrush Egg, Sabre Cat Tooth, Small Antlers | |
Chicken's Egg | Damage Magicka Regen | Bear Claws, Blue Butterfly Wing, Blue Mountain Flower, Chicken's Egg, Glow Dust, Hanging Moss, Human Heart, Jarrin Root, Nightshade, Spider Egg, Spriggan Sap |
Lingering Damage Stamina | Butterfly Wing, Chicken's Egg, Nightshade, Small Antlers | |
Resist Magic | Bleeding Crown, Chicken's Egg, Crimson Nirnroot, Hagraven Claw, Lavender, Nirnroot, Tundra Cotton, Void Salts, Wisp Wrappings | |
Waterbreathing | Chicken's Egg, Histcarp, | |
Creep Cluster | Damage Stamina Regen | Creep Cluster, Daedra Heart, Frost Mirriam, Giant's Toe, Histcarp, Juniper Berries, Large Antlers, Silverside Perch, Skeever Tail, Wheat |
Fortify Carry Weight | Creep Cluster, Giant's Toe, Hawk Beak, River Betty, Scaly Pholiata, Wisp Wrappings | |
Restore Magicka | Briar Heart, Creep Cluster, Dwarven Oil, Ectoplasm, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Frost Salts, Giant Lichen, Grass Pod, Human Flesh, Moon Sugar, Mora Tapinella, Pearl, Red Mountain Flower, Taproot, Vampire Dust, White Cap | |
Weakness to Magic | Creep Cluster, Dwarven Oil, Jazbay Grapes, Rock Warbler Egg, Salt Pile, Scaly Pholiata, Taproot, Torchbug Thorax | |
Crimson Nirnroot | Damage Health | Crimson Nirnroot, Deathbell, Ectoplasm, Falmer Ear, Human Flesh, Human Heart, Imp Stool, Jarrin Root, Nightshade, Nirnroot, Red Mountain Flower, River Betty, Skeever Tail, Small Antlers, Troll Fat, Void Salts |
Damage Stamina | Blisterwort, Blue Butterfly Wing, Bone Meal, Canis Root, Crimson Nirnroot, Cyrodilic Spadetail, Giant's Toe, Jarrin Root, Nirnroot, Rock Warbler Egg, Spider Egg | |
Invisibility | Chaurus Eggs, Crimson Nirnroot, Ice Wraith Teeth, Luna Moth Wing, Nirnroot, Vampire Dust | |
Resist Magic | Bleeding Crown, Chicken's Egg, Crimson Nirnroot, Hagraven Claw, Lavender, Nirnroot, Tundra Cotton, Void Salts, Wisp Wrappings | |
Cyrodilic Spadetail | Damage Stamina | Blisterwort, Blue Butterfly Wing, Bone Meal, Canis Root, Crimson Nirnroot, Cyrodilic Spadetail, Giant's Toe, Jarrin Root, Nirnroot, Rock Warbler Egg, Spider Egg |
Fear | Blue Dartwing, Cyrodilic Spadetail, Daedra Heart, Niamira's Rot, Powdered Mammoth Tusk | |
Fortify Restoration | Abecean Longfin, Cyrodilic Spadetail, Salt Pile, Small Antlers, Small Pearl | |
Ravage Health | Cyrodilic Spadetail, Eye of Sabre Cat, Giant Lichen, Jazbay Grapes, Silverside Perch, Skeever Tail | |
Daedra Heart | Damage Magicka | Butterfly Wing, Chaurus Eggs, Daedra Heart, Eye of Sabre Cat, Glow Dust, Hagraven Feathers, Hanging Moss, Human Heart, Jarrin Root, Luna Moth Wing, Niamira's Rot, |
Damage Stamina Regen | Creep Cluster, Daedra Heart, Frost Mirriam, Giant's Toe, Histcarp, Juniper Berries, Large Antlers, Silverside Perch, Skeever Tail, Wheat | |
Fear | Blue Dartwing, Cyrodilic Spadetail, Daedra Heart, Niamira's Rot, Powdered Mammoth Tusk | |
Restore Health | Blisterwort, Blue Dartwing, Blue Mountain Flower, Butterfly Wing, Charred Skeever Hide, Daedra Heart, Eye of Sabre Cat, Imp Stool, Rock Warbler Egg, Swamp Fungal Pod, Wheat | |
Deathbell | Damage Health | Crimson Nirnroot, Deathbell, Ectoplasm, Falmer Ear, Human Flesh, Human Heart, Imp Stool, Jarrin Root, Nightshade, Nirnroot, Red Mountain Flower, River Betty, Skeever Tail, Small Antlers, Troll Fat, Void Salts |
Ravage Stamina | Bee, Bone Meal, Deathbell, Honeycomb, Thistle Branch | |
Slow | Deathbell, Large Antlers, River Betty, Salt Pile | |
Weakness to Poison | Abecean Longfin, Bleeding Crown, Chaurus Eggs, Deathbell, Giant Lichen, Pine Thrush Egg, Sabre Cat Tooth, Small Antlers | |
Dragon's Tongue | Butterfly Wing, Dragon's Tongue, Hagraven Claw, Tundra Cotton | |
Fortify Illusion | Dragon's Tongue, Dwarven Oil, Mora Tapinella, Scaly Pholiata, Taproot | |
Fortify Two-Handed | Dragon's Tongue, Fly Amanita, Troll Fat | |
Resist Fire | Bone Meal, Dragon's Tongue, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Fly Amanita, Mudcrab Chitin, Snowberries | |
Dwarven Oil | Fortify Illusion | Dragon's Tongue, Dwarven Oil, Mora Tapinella, Scaly Pholiata, Taproot |
Regenerate Magicka | Dwarven Oil, Fire Salts, Garlic, Jazbay Grapes, Moon Sugar, Salt Pile, Taproot | |
Restore Magicka | Briar Heart, Creep Cluster, Dwarven Oil, Ectoplasm, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Frost Salts, Giant Lichen, Grass Pod, Human Flesh, Moon Sugar, Mora Tapinella, Pearl, Red Mountain Flower, Taproot, Vampire Dust, White Cap | |
Weakness to Magic | Creep Cluster, Dwarven Oil, Jazbay Grapes, Rock Warbler Egg, Salt Pile, Scaly Pholiata, Taproot, Torchbug Thorax | |
Ectoplasm | Damage Health | Crimson Nirnroot, Deathbell, Ectoplasm, Falmer Ear, Human Flesh, Human Heart, Imp Stool, Jarrin Root, Nightshade, Nirnroot, Red Mountain Flower, River Betty, Skeever Tail, Small Antlers, Troll Fat, Void Salts |
Fortify Destruction | Beehive Husk, Ectoplasm, Glow Dust, Glowing Mushroom, Nightshade, Wisp Wrappings | |
Fortify Magicka | Briar Heart, Ectoplasm, Histcarp, Jazbay Grapes, Red Mountain Flower, Tundra Cotton, Void Salts | |
Restore Magicka | Briar Heart, Creep Cluster, Dwarven Oil, Ectoplasm, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Frost Salts, Giant Lichen, Grass Pod, Human Flesh, Moon Sugar, Mora Tapinella, Pearl, Red Mountain Flower, Taproot, Vampire Dust, White Cap | |
Elves Ear | Fortify Marksman | Canis Root, Elves Ear, Juniper Berries, Spider Egg |
Resist Fire | Bone Meal, Dragon's Tongue, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Fly Amanita, Mudcrab Chitin, Snowberries | |
Restore Magicka | Briar Heart, Creep Cluster, Dwarven Oil, Ectoplasm, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Frost Salts, Giant Lichen, Grass Pod, Human Flesh, Moon Sugar, Mora Tapinella, Pearl, Red Mountain Flower, Taproot, Vampire Dust, White Cap | |
Weakness to Frost | Abecean Longfin, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Ice Wraith Teeth, White Cap | |
Eye of Sabre Cat | Damage Magicka | Butterfly Wing, Chaurus Eggs, Daedra Heart, Eye of Sabre Cat, Glow Dust, Hagraven Feathers, Hanging Moss, Human Heart, Jarrin Root, Luna Moth Wing, Niamira's Rot, |
Ravage Health | Cyrodilic Spadetail, Eye of Sabre Cat, Giant Lichen, Jazbay Grapes, Silverside Perch, Skeever Tail | |
Restore Health | Blisterwort, Blue Dartwing, Blue Mountain Flower, Butterfly Wing, Charred Skeever Hide, Daedra Heart, Eye of Sabre Cat, Imp Stool, Rock Warbler Egg, Swamp Fungal Pod, Wheat | |
Restore Stamina | Bear Claws, Bee, Charred Skeever Hide, Eye of Sabre Cat, Hawk Beak, Histcarp, Honeycomb, Large Antlers, Mudcrab Chitin, Orange Dartwing, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg, Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain Flower, Sabre Cat Tooth, Silverside Perch, Small Pearl, Torchbug Thorax, Wisp Wrappings | |
Falmer Ear | Damage Health | Crimson Nirnroot, Deathbell, Ectoplasm, Falmer Ear, Human Flesh, Human Heart, Imp Stool, Jarrin Root, Nightshade, Nirnroot, Red Mountain Flower, River Betty, Skeever Tail, Small Antlers, Troll Fat, Void Salts |
Fortify Lockpicking | Falmer Ear, Niamira's Rot, Pine Thrush Egg, Spider Egg | |
Frenzy | Blisterwort, Falmer Ear, Fly Amanita, Hagraven Feathers, Human Heart, Troll Fat | |
Resist Poison | Beehive Husk, Charred Skeever Hide, Falmer Ear, Garlic, Grass Pod, Mudcrab Chitin, Slaughterfish Egg, Thistle Branch, Troll Fat | |
Fire Salts | Regenerate Magicka | Dwarven Oil, Fire Salts, Garlic, Jazbay Grapes, Moon Sugar, Salt Pile, Taproot |
Resist Fire | Bone Meal, Dragon's Tongue, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Fly Amanita, Mudcrab Chitin, Snowberries | |
Restore Magicka | Briar Heart, Creep Cluster, Dwarven Oil, Ectoplasm, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Frost Salts, Giant Lichen, Grass Pod, Human Flesh, Moon Sugar, Mora Tapinella, Pearl, Red Mountain Flower, Taproot, Vampire Dust, White Cap | |
Weakness to Frost | Abecean Longfin, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Ice Wraith Teeth, White Cap | |
Fly Amanita | Fortify Two-Handed | Dragon's Tongue, Fly Amanita, Troll Fat |
Frenzy | Blisterwort, Falmer Ear, Fly Amanita, Hagraven Feathers, Human Heart, Troll Fat | |
Regenerate Stamina | Bee, Fly Amanita, Mora Tapinella, Scaly Pholiata | |
Resist Fire | Bone Meal, Dragon's Tongue, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Fly Amanita, Mudcrab Chitin, Snowberries | |
Frost Mirriam | Damage Stamina Regen | Creep Cluster, Daedra Heart, Frost Mirriam, Giant's Toe, Histcarp, Juniper Berries, Large Antlers, Silverside Perch, Skeever Tail, Wheat |
Fortify Sneak | Abecean Longfin, Beehive Husk, Frost Mirriam, Hawk Feathers, Human Flesh, Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain Flower | |
Ravage Magicka | Frost Mirriam, Grass Pod, Lavender, Orange Dartwing, Red Mountain Flower, White Cap | |
Resist Frost | Frost Mirriam, Frost Salts, Hawk Beak, Moon Sugar, Purple Mountain Flower, Silverside Perch, Slaughterfish Scales, Small Pearl, Snowberries, Thistle Branch | |
Frost Salts | Fortify Conjuration | Blue Butterfly Wing, Blue Mountain Flower, Bone Meal, Frost Salts, Hagraven Feathers, Lavender |
Resist Frost | Frost Mirriam, Frost Salts, Hawk Beak, Moon Sugar, Purple Mountain Flower, Silverside Perch, Slaughterfish Scales, Small Pearl, Snowberries, Thistle Branch | |
Restore Magicka | Briar Heart, Creep Cluster, Dwarven Oil, Ectoplasm, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Frost Salts, Giant Lichen, Grass Pod, Human Flesh, Moon Sugar, Mora Tapinella, Pearl, Red Mountain Flower, Taproot, Vampire Dust, White Cap | |
Weakness to Fire | Bleeding Crown, Frost Salts, Ice Wraith Teeth, Juniper Berries, Moon Sugar, Powdered Mammoth Tusk | |
Garlic | Fortify Stamina | Chaurus Eggs, Garlic, Large Antlers, Lavender, Slaughterfish Egg, Torchbug Thorax |
Regenerate Health | Garlic, Juniper Berries, Luna Moth Wing, Niamira's Rot, , Vampire Dust | |
Regenerate Magicka | Dwarven Oil, Fire Salts, Garlic, Jazbay Grapes, Moon Sugar, Salt Pile, Taproot | |
Resist Poison | Beehive Husk, Charred Skeever Hide, Falmer Ear, Garlic, Grass Pod, Mudcrab Chitin, Slaughterfish Egg, Thistle Branch, Troll Fat | |
Giant Lichen | Ravage Health | Cyrodilic Spadetail, Eye of Sabre Cat, Giant Lichen, Jazbay Grapes, Silverside Perch, Skeever Tail |
Restore Magicka | Briar Heart, Creep Cluster, Dwarven Oil, Ectoplasm, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Frost Salts, Giant Lichen, Grass Pod, Human Flesh, Moon Sugar, Mora Tapinella, Pearl, Red Mountain Flower, Taproot, Vampire Dust, White Cap | |
Weakness to Poison | Abecean Longfin, Bleeding Crown, Chaurus Eggs, Deathbell, Giant Lichen, Pine Thrush Egg, Sabre Cat Tooth, Small Antlers | |
Weakness to Shock | Bee, Giant Lichen, Hagraven Feathers, Void Salts | |
Giant's Toe | Damage Stamina | Blisterwort, Blue Butterfly Wing, Bone Meal, Canis Root, Crimson Nirnroot, Cyrodilic Spadetail, Giant's Toe, Jarrin Root, Nirnroot, Rock Warbler Egg, Spider Egg |
Damage Stamina Regen | Creep Cluster, Daedra Heart, Frost Mirriam, Giant's Toe, Histcarp, Juniper Berries, Large Antlers, Silverside Perch, Skeever Tail, Wheat | |
Fortify Carry Weight | Creep Cluster, Giant's Toe, Hawk Beak, River Betty, Scaly Pholiata, Wisp Wrappings | |
Fortify Health | Bear Claws, Blue Mountain Flower, Giant's Toe, Glowing Mushroom, Hanging Moss, Wheat | |
Glow Dust | Damage Magicka | Butterfly Wing, Chaurus Eggs, Daedra Heart, Eye of Sabre Cat, Glow Dust, Hagraven Feathers, Hanging Moss, Human Heart, Jarrin Root, Luna Moth Wing, Niamira's Rot, |
Damage Magicka Regen | Bear Claws, Blue Butterfly Wing, Blue Mountain Flower, Chicken's Egg, Glow Dust, Hanging Moss, Human Heart, Jarrin Root, Nightshade, Spider Egg, Spriggan Sap | |
Fortify Destruction | Beehive Husk, Ectoplasm, Glow Dust, Glowing Mushroom, Nightshade, Wisp Wrappings | |
Resist Shock | Blue Dartwing, Glow Dust, Glowing Mushroom, Hawk Beak, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg, Snowberries, Swamp Fungal Pod | |
Glowing Mushroom | Fortify Destruction | Beehive Husk, Ectoplasm, Glow Dust, Glowing Mushroom, Nightshade, Wisp Wrappings |
Fortify Health | Bear Claws, Blue Mountain Flower, Giant's Toe, Glowing Mushroom, Hanging Moss, Wheat | |
Fortify Smithing | Blisterwort, Glowing Mushroom, Sabre Cat Tooth, Spriggan Sap | |
Resist Shock | Blue Dartwing, Glow Dust, Glowing Mushroom, Hawk Beak, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg, Snowberries, Swamp Fungal Pod | |
Grass Pod | Fortify Alteration | Grass Pod, River Betty, Spriggan Sap |
Ravage Magicka | Frost Mirriam, Grass Pod, Lavender, Orange Dartwing, Red Mountain Flower, White Cap | |
Resist Poison | Beehive Husk, Charred Skeever Hide, Falmer Ear, Garlic, Grass Pod, Mudcrab Chitin, Slaughterfish Egg, Thistle Branch, Troll Fat | |
Restore Magicka | Briar Heart, Creep Cluster, Dwarven Oil, Ectoplasm, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Frost Salts, Giant Lichen, Grass Pod, Human Flesh, Moon Sugar, Mora Tapinella, Pearl, Red Mountain Flower, Taproot, Vampire Dust, White Cap | |
Hagraven Claw | Butterfly Wing, Dragon's Tongue, Hagraven Claw, Tundra Cotton | |
Fortify Enchanting | Blue Butterfly Wing, Hagraven Claw, Snowberries, Spriggan Sap | |
Lingering Damage Magicka | Hagraven Claw, Purple Mountain Flower, Swamp Fungal Pod, Torchbug Thorax, Wheat | |
Resist Magic | Bleeding Crown, Chicken's Egg, Crimson Nirnroot, Hagraven Claw, Lavender, Nirnroot, Tundra Cotton, Void Salts, Wisp Wrappings | |
Hagraven Feathers | Damage Magicka | Butterfly Wing, Chaurus Eggs, Daedra Heart, Eye of Sabre Cat, Glow Dust, Hagraven Feathers, Hanging Moss, Human Heart, Jarrin Root, Luna Moth Wing, Niamira's Rot, |
Fortify Conjuration | Blue Butterfly Wing, Blue Mountain Flower, Bone Meal, Frost Salts, Hagraven Feathers, Lavender | |
Frenzy | Blisterwort, Falmer Ear, Fly Amanita, Hagraven Feathers, Human Heart, Troll Fat | |
Weakness to Shock | Bee, Giant Lichen, Hagraven Feathers, Void Salts | |
Hanging Moss | Damage Magicka | Butterfly Wing, Chaurus Eggs, Daedra Heart, Eye of Sabre Cat, Glow Dust, Hagraven Feathers, Hanging Moss, Human Heart, Jarrin Root, Luna Moth Wing, Niamira's Rot, |
Damage Magicka Regen | Bear Claws, Blue Butterfly Wing, Blue Mountain Flower, Chicken's Egg, Glow Dust, Hanging Moss, Human Heart, Jarrin Root, Nightshade, Spider Egg, Spriggan Sap | |
Fortify Health | Bear Claws, Blue Mountain Flower, Giant's Toe, Glowing Mushroom, Hanging Moss, Wheat | |
Fortify One-Handed | Bear Claws, Canis Root, Hanging Moss, Hawk Feathers, Rock Warbler Egg, Small Pearl | |
Hawk Beak | Fortify Carry Weight | Creep Cluster, Giant's Toe, Hawk Beak, River Betty, Scaly Pholiata, Wisp Wrappings |
Resist Frost | Frost Mirriam, Frost Salts, Hawk Beak, Moon Sugar, Purple Mountain Flower, Silverside Perch, Slaughterfish Scales, Small Pearl, Snowberries, Thistle Branch | |
Resist Shock | Blue Dartwing, Glow Dust, Glowing Mushroom, Hawk Beak, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg, Snowberries, Swamp Fungal Pod | |
Restore Stamina | Bear Claws, Bee, Charred Skeever Hide, Eye of Sabre Cat, Hawk Beak, Histcarp, Honeycomb, Large Antlers, Mudcrab Chitin, Orange Dartwing, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg, Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain Flower, Sabre Cat Tooth, Silverside Perch, Small Pearl, Torchbug Thorax, Wisp Wrappings | |
Hawk Feathers | Cure Disease | Charred Skeever Hide, Hawk Feathers, Mudcrab Chitin, Vampire Dust |
Fortify Light Armor | Beehive Husk, Hawk Feathers, Honeycomb, Luna Moth Wing, Skeever Tail | |
Fortify One-Handed | Bear Claws, Canis Root, Hanging Moss, Hawk Feathers, Rock Warbler Egg, Small Pearl | |
Fortify Sneak | Abecean Longfin, Beehive Husk, Frost Mirriam, Hawk Feathers, Human Flesh, Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain Flower | |
Histcarp | Damage Stamina Regen | Creep Cluster, Daedra Heart, Frost Mirriam, Giant's Toe, Histcarp, Juniper Berries, Large Antlers, Silverside Perch, Skeever Tail, Wheat |
Fortify Magicka | Briar Heart, Ectoplasm, Histcarp, Jazbay Grapes, Red Mountain Flower, Tundra Cotton, Void Salts | |
Restore Stamina | Bear Claws, Bee, Charred Skeever Hide, Eye of Sabre Cat, Hawk Beak, Histcarp, Honeycomb, Large Antlers, Mudcrab Chitin, Orange Dartwing, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg, Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain Flower, Sabre Cat Tooth, Silverside Perch, Small Pearl, Torchbug Thorax, Wisp Wrappings | |
Waterbreathing | Chicken's Egg, Histcarp, | |
Honeycomb | Fortify Block | Bleeding Crown, Briar Heart, Honeycomb, Pearl, Slaughterfish Scales, Tundra Cotton |
Fortify Light Armor | Beehive Husk, Hawk Feathers, Honeycomb, Luna Moth Wing, Skeever Tail | |
Ravage Stamina | Bee, Bone Meal, Deathbell, Honeycomb, Thistle Branch | |
Restore Stamina | Bear Claws, Bee, Charred Skeever Hide, Eye of Sabre Cat, Hawk Beak, Histcarp, Honeycomb, Large Antlers, Mudcrab Chitin, Orange Dartwing, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg, Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain Flower, Sabre Cat Tooth, Silverside Perch, Small Pearl, Torchbug Thorax, Wisp Wrappings | |
Human Flesh | Damage Health | Crimson Nirnroot, Deathbell, Ectoplasm, Falmer Ear, Human Flesh, Human Heart, Imp Stool, Jarrin Root, Nightshade, Nirnroot, Red Mountain Flower, River Betty, Skeever Tail, Small Antlers, Troll Fat, Void Salts |
Fortify Sneak | Abecean Longfin, Beehive Husk, Frost Mirriam, Hawk Feathers, Human Flesh, Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain Flower | |
Paralysis | Briar Heart, Canis Root, Human Flesh, Imp Stool, Swamp Fungal Pod | |
Restore Magicka | Briar Heart, Creep Cluster, Dwarven Oil, Ectoplasm, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Frost Salts, Giant Lichen, Grass Pod, Human Flesh, Moon Sugar, Mora Tapinella, Pearl, Red Mountain Flower, Taproot, Vampire Dust, White Cap | |
Human Heart | Damage Health | Crimson Nirnroot, Deathbell, Ectoplasm, Falmer Ear, Human Flesh, Human Heart, Imp Stool, Jarrin Root, Nightshade, Nirnroot, Red Mountain Flower, River Betty, Skeever Tail, Small Antlers, Troll Fat, Void Salts |
Damage Magicka | Butterfly Wing, Chaurus Eggs, Daedra Heart, Eye of Sabre Cat, Glow Dust, Hagraven Feathers, Hanging Moss, Human Heart, Jarrin Root, Luna Moth Wing, Niamira's Rot, | |
Damage Magicka Regen | Bear Claws, Blue Butterfly Wing, Blue Mountain Flower, Chicken's Egg, Glow Dust, Hanging Moss, Human Heart, Jarrin Root, Nightshade, Spider Egg, Spriggan Sap | |
Frenzy | Blisterwort, Falmer Ear, Fly Amanita, Hagraven Feathers, Human Heart, Troll Fat | |
Ice Wraith Teeth | Fortify Heavy Armor | Ice Wraith Teeth, Sabre Cat Tooth, Slaughterfish Scales, Thistle Branch, White Cap |
Invisibility | Chaurus Eggs, Crimson Nirnroot, Ice Wraith Teeth, Luna Moth Wing, Nirnroot, Vampire Dust | |
Weakness to Fire | Bleeding Crown, Frost Salts, Ice Wraith Teeth, Juniper Berries, Moon Sugar, Powdered Mammoth Tusk | |
Weakness to Frost | Abecean Longfin, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Ice Wraith Teeth, White Cap | |
Imp Stool | Damage Health | Crimson Nirnroot, Deathbell, Ectoplasm, Falmer Ear, Human Flesh, Human Heart, Imp Stool, Jarrin Root, Nightshade, Nirnroot, Red Mountain Flower, River Betty, Skeever Tail, Small Antlers, Troll Fat, Void Salts |
Lingering Damage Health | Imp Stool, Mora Tapinella, Orange Dartwing, Slaughterfish Egg, Slaughterfish Scales | |
Paralysis | Briar Heart, Canis Root, Human Flesh, Imp Stool, Swamp Fungal Pod | |
Restore Health | Blisterwort, Blue Dartwing, Blue Mountain Flower, Butterfly Wing, Charred Skeever Hide, Daedra Heart, Eye of Sabre Cat, Imp Stool, Rock Warbler Egg, Swamp Fungal Pod, Wheat | |
Jarrin Root | Damage Health | Crimson Nirnroot, Deathbell, Ectoplasm, Falmer Ear, Human Flesh, Human Heart, Imp Stool, Jarrin Root, Nightshade, Nirnroot, Red Mountain Flower, River Betty, Skeever Tail, Small Antlers, Troll Fat, Void Salts |
Damage Magicka | Butterfly Wing, Chaurus Eggs, Daedra Heart, Eye of Sabre Cat, Glow Dust, Hagraven Feathers, Hanging Moss, Human Heart, Jarrin Root, Luna Moth Wing, Niamira's Rot, | |
Damage Magicka Regen | Bear Claws, Blue Butterfly Wing, Blue Mountain Flower, Chicken's Egg, Glow Dust, Hanging Moss, Human Heart, Jarrin Root, Nightshade, Spider Egg, Spriggan Sap | |
Damage Stamina | Blisterwort, Blue Butterfly Wing, Bone Meal, Canis Root, Crimson Nirnroot, Cyrodilic Spadetail, Giant's Toe, Jarrin Root, Nirnroot, Rock Warbler Egg, Spider Egg | |
Jazbay Grapes | Fortify Magicka | Briar Heart, Ectoplasm, Histcarp, Jazbay Grapes, Red Mountain Flower, Tundra Cotton, Void Salts |
Ravage Health | Cyrodilic Spadetail, Eye of Sabre Cat, Giant Lichen, Jazbay Grapes, Silverside Perch, Skeever Tail | |
Regenerate Magicka | Dwarven Oil, Fire Salts, Garlic, Jazbay Grapes, Moon Sugar, Salt Pile, Taproot | |
Weakness to Magic | Creep Cluster, Dwarven Oil, Jazbay Grapes, Rock Warbler Egg, Salt Pile, Scaly Pholiata, Taproot, Torchbug Thorax | |
Juniper Berries | Damage Stamina Regen | Creep Cluster, Daedra Heart, Frost Mirriam, Giant's Toe, Histcarp, Juniper Berries, Large Antlers, Silverside Perch, Skeever Tail, Wheat |
Fortify Marksman | Canis Root, Elves Ear, Juniper Berries, Spider Egg | |
Regenerate Health | Garlic, Juniper Berries, Luna Moth Wing, Niamira's Rot, , Vampire Dust | |
Weakness to Fire | Bleeding Crown, Frost Salts, Ice Wraith Teeth, Juniper Berries, Moon Sugar, Powdered Mammoth Tusk | |
Large Antlers | Damage Stamina Regen | Creep Cluster, Daedra Heart, Frost Mirriam, Giant's Toe, Histcarp, Juniper Berries, Large Antlers, Silverside Perch, Skeever Tail, Wheat |
Fortify Stamina | Chaurus Eggs, Garlic, Large Antlers, Lavender, Slaughterfish Egg, Torchbug Thorax | |
Restore Stamina | Bear Claws, Bee, Charred Skeever Hide, Eye of Sabre Cat, Hawk Beak, Histcarp, Honeycomb, Large Antlers, Mudcrab Chitin, Orange Dartwing, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg, Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain Flower, Sabre Cat Tooth, Silverside Perch, Small Pearl, Torchbug Thorax, Wisp Wrappings | |
Slow | Deathbell, Large Antlers, River Betty, Salt Pile | |
Lavender | Fortify Conjuration | Blue Butterfly Wing, Blue Mountain Flower, Bone Meal, Frost Salts, Hagraven Feathers, Lavender |
Fortify Stamina | Chaurus Eggs, Garlic, Large Antlers, Lavender, Slaughterfish Egg, Torchbug Thorax | |
Ravage Magicka | Frost Mirriam, Grass Pod, Lavender, Orange Dartwing, Red Mountain Flower, White Cap | |
Resist Magic | Bleeding Crown, Chicken's Egg, Crimson Nirnroot, Hagraven Claw, Lavender, Nirnroot, Tundra Cotton, Void Salts, Wisp Wrappings | |
Luna Moth Wing | Damage Magicka | Butterfly Wing, Chaurus Eggs, Daedra Heart, Eye of Sabre Cat, Glow Dust, Hagraven Feathers, Hanging Moss, Human Heart, Jarrin Root, Luna Moth Wing, Niamira's Rot, |
Fortify Light Armor | Beehive Husk, Hawk Feathers, Honeycomb, Luna Moth Wing, Skeever Tail | |
Invisibility | Chaurus Eggs, Crimson Nirnroot, Ice Wraith Teeth, Luna Moth Wing, Nirnroot, Vampire Dust | |
Regenerate Health | Garlic, Juniper Berries, Luna Moth Wing, Niamira's Rot, , Vampire Dust | |
Moon Sugar | Regenerate Magicka | Dwarven Oil, Fire Salts, Garlic, Jazbay Grapes, Moon Sugar, Salt Pile, Taproot |
Resist Frost | Frost Mirriam, Frost Salts, Hawk Beak, Moon Sugar, Purple Mountain Flower, Silverside Perch, Slaughterfish Scales, Small Pearl, Snowberries, Thistle Branch | |
Restore Magicka | Briar Heart, Creep Cluster, Dwarven Oil, Ectoplasm, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Frost Salts, Giant Lichen, Grass Pod, Human Flesh, Moon Sugar, Mora Tapinella, Pearl, Red Mountain Flower, Taproot, Vampire Dust, White Cap | |
Weakness to Fire | Bleeding Crown, Frost Salts, Ice Wraith Teeth, Juniper Berries, Moon Sugar, Powdered Mammoth Tusk | |
Mora Tapinella | Fortify Illusion | Dragon's Tongue, Dwarven Oil, Mora Tapinella, Scaly Pholiata, Taproot |
Lingering Damage Health | Imp Stool, Mora Tapinella, Orange Dartwing, Slaughterfish Egg, Slaughterfish Scales | |
Regenerate Stamina | Bee, Fly Amanita, Mora Tapinella, Scaly Pholiata | |
Restore Magicka | Briar Heart, Creep Cluster, Dwarven Oil, Ectoplasm, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Frost Salts, Giant Lichen, Grass Pod, Human Flesh, Moon Sugar, Mora Tapinella, Pearl, Red Mountain Flower, Taproot, Vampire Dust, White Cap | |
Mudcrab Chitin | Cure Disease | Charred Skeever Hide, Hawk Feathers, Mudcrab Chitin, Vampire Dust |
Resist Fire | Bone Meal, Dragon's Tongue, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Fly Amanita, Mudcrab Chitin, Snowberries | |
Resist Poison | Beehive Husk, Charred Skeever Hide, Falmer Ear, Garlic, Grass Pod, Mudcrab Chitin, Slaughterfish Egg, Thistle Branch, Troll Fat | |
Restore Stamina | Bear Claws, Bee, Charred Skeever Hide, Eye of Sabre Cat, Hawk Beak, Histcarp, Honeycomb, Large Antlers, Mudcrab Chitin, Orange Dartwing, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg, Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain Flower, Sabre Cat Tooth, Silverside Perch, Small Pearl, Torchbug Thorax, Wisp Wrappings | |
Niamira's Rot | Damage Magicka | Butterfly Wing, Chaurus Eggs, Daedra Heart, Eye of Sabre Cat, Glow Dust, Hagraven Feathers, Hanging Moss, Human Heart, Jarrin Root, Luna Moth Wing, Niamira's Rot, |
Fear | Blue Dartwing, Cyrodilic Spadetail, Daedra Heart, Niamira's Rot, Powdered Mammoth Tusk | |
Fortify Lockpicking | Falmer Ear, Niamira's Rot, Pine Thrush Egg, Spider Egg | |
Regenerate Health | Garlic, Juniper Berries, Luna Moth Wing, Niamira's Rot, , Vampire Dust | |
Nightshade | Damage Health | Crimson Nirnroot, Deathbell, Ectoplasm, Falmer Ear, Human Flesh, Human Heart, Imp Stool, Jarrin Root, Nightshade, Nirnroot, Red Mountain Flower, River Betty, Skeever Tail, Small Antlers, Troll Fat, Void Salts |
Damage Magicka Regen | Bear Claws, Blue Butterfly Wing, Blue Mountain Flower, Chicken's Egg, Glow Dust, Hanging Moss, Human Heart, Jarrin Root, Nightshade, Spider Egg, Spriggan Sap | |
Fortify Destruction | Beehive Husk, Ectoplasm, Glow Dust, Glowing Mushroom, Nightshade, Wisp Wrappings | |
Lingering Damage Stamina | Butterfly Wing, Chicken's Egg, Nightshade, Small Antlers | |
Nirnroot | Damage Health | Crimson Nirnroot, Deathbell, Ectoplasm, Falmer Ear, Human Flesh, Human Heart, Imp Stool, Jarrin Root, Nightshade, Nirnroot, Red Mountain Flower, River Betty, Skeever Tail, Small Antlers, Troll Fat, Void Salts |
Damage Stamina | Blisterwort, Blue Butterfly Wing, Bone Meal, Canis Root, Crimson Nirnroot, Cyrodilic Spadetail, Giant's Toe, Jarrin Root, Nirnroot, Rock Warbler Egg, Spider Egg | |
Invisibility | Chaurus Eggs, Crimson Nirnroot, Ice Wraith Teeth, Luna Moth Wing, Nirnroot, Vampire Dust | |
Resist Magic | Bleeding Crown, Chicken's Egg, Crimson Nirnroot, Hagraven Claw, Lavender, Nirnroot, Tundra Cotton, Void Salts, Wisp Wrappings | |
Damage Magicka | Butterfly Wing, Chaurus Eggs, Daedra Heart, Eye of Sabre Cat, Glow Dust, Hagraven Feathers, Hanging Moss, Human Heart, Jarrin Root, Luna Moth Wing, Niamira's Rot, | |
Fortify Pickpocket | Blue Dartwing, , Orange Dartwing, Slaughterfish Egg | |
Regenerate Health | Garlic, Juniper Berries, Luna Moth Wing, Niamira's Rot, , Vampire Dust | |
Waterbreathing | Chicken's Egg, Histcarp, | |
Orange Dartwing | Fortify Pickpocket | Blue Dartwing, , Orange Dartwing, Slaughterfish Egg |
Lingering Damage Health | Imp Stool, Mora Tapinella, Orange Dartwing, Slaughterfish Egg, Slaughterfish Scales | |
Ravage Magicka | Frost Mirriam, Grass Pod, Lavender, Orange Dartwing, Red Mountain Flower, White Cap | |
Restore Stamina | Bear Claws, Bee, Charred Skeever Hide, Eye of Sabre Cat, Hawk Beak, Histcarp, Honeycomb, Large Antlers, Mudcrab Chitin, Orange Dartwing, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg, Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain Flower, Sabre Cat Tooth, Silverside Perch, Small Pearl, Torchbug Thorax, Wisp Wrappings | |
Pearl | Fortify Block | Bleeding Crown, Briar Heart, Honeycomb, Pearl, Slaughterfish Scales, Tundra Cotton |
Resist Shock | Blue Dartwing, Glow Dust, Glowing Mushroom, Hawk Beak, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg, Snowberries, Swamp Fungal Pod | |
Restore Magicka | Briar Heart, Creep Cluster, Dwarven Oil, Ectoplasm, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Frost Salts, Giant Lichen, Grass Pod, Human Flesh, Moon Sugar, Mora Tapinella, Pearl, Red Mountain Flower, Taproot, Vampire Dust, White Cap | |
Restore Stamina | Bear Claws, Bee, Charred Skeever Hide, Eye of Sabre Cat, Hawk Beak, Histcarp, Honeycomb, Large Antlers, Mudcrab Chitin, Orange Dartwing, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg, Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain Flower, Sabre Cat Tooth, Silverside Perch, Small Pearl, Torchbug Thorax, Wisp Wrappings | |
Pine Thrush Egg | Fortify Lockpicking | Falmer Ear, Niamira's Rot, Pine Thrush Egg, Spider Egg |
Resist Shock | Blue Dartwing, Glow Dust, Glowing Mushroom, Hawk Beak, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg, Snowberries, Swamp Fungal Pod | |
Restore Stamina | Bear Claws, Bee, Charred Skeever Hide, Eye of Sabre Cat, Hawk Beak, Histcarp, Honeycomb, Large Antlers, Mudcrab Chitin, Orange Dartwing, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg, Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain Flower, Sabre Cat Tooth, Silverside Perch, Small Pearl, Torchbug Thorax, Wisp Wrappings | |
Weakness to Poison | Abecean Longfin, Bleeding Crown, Chaurus Eggs, Deathbell, Giant Lichen, Pine Thrush Egg, Sabre Cat Tooth, Small Antlers | |
Powdered Mammoth Tusk | Fear | Blue Dartwing, Cyrodilic Spadetail, Daedra Heart, Niamira's Rot, Powdered Mammoth Tusk |
Fortify Sneak | Abecean Longfin, Beehive Husk, Frost Mirriam, Hawk Feathers, Human Flesh, Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain Flower | |
Restore Stamina | Bear Claws, Bee, Charred Skeever Hide, Eye of Sabre Cat, Hawk Beak, Histcarp, Honeycomb, Large Antlers, Mudcrab Chitin, Orange Dartwing, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg, Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain Flower, Sabre Cat Tooth, Silverside Perch, Small Pearl, Torchbug Thorax, Wisp Wrappings | |
Weakness to Fire | Bleeding Crown, Frost Salts, Ice Wraith Teeth, Juniper Berries, Moon Sugar, Powdered Mammoth Tusk | |
Purple Mountain Flower | Fortify Sneak | Abecean Longfin, Beehive Husk, Frost Mirriam, Hawk Feathers, Human Flesh, Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain Flower |
Lingering Damage Magicka | Hagraven Claw, Purple Mountain Flower, Swamp Fungal Pod, Torchbug Thorax, Wheat | |
Resist Frost | Frost Mirriam, Frost Salts, Hawk Beak, Moon Sugar, Purple Mountain Flower, Silverside Perch, Slaughterfish Scales, Small Pearl, Snowberries, Thistle Branch | |
Restore Stamina | Bear Claws, Bee, Charred Skeever Hide, Eye of Sabre Cat, Hawk Beak, Histcarp, Honeycomb, Large Antlers, Mudcrab Chitin, Orange Dartwing, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg, Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain Flower, Sabre Cat Tooth, Silverside Perch, Small Pearl, Torchbug Thorax, Wisp Wrappings | |
Red Mountain Flower | Damage Health | Crimson Nirnroot, Deathbell, Ectoplasm, Falmer Ear, Human Flesh, Human Heart, Imp Stool, Jarrin Root, Nightshade, Nirnroot, Red Mountain Flower, River Betty, Skeever Tail, Small Antlers, Troll Fat, Void Salts |
Fortify Magicka | Briar Heart, Ectoplasm, Histcarp, Jazbay Grapes, Red Mountain Flower, Tundra Cotton, Void Salts | |
Ravage Magicka | Frost Mirriam, Grass Pod, Lavender, Orange Dartwing, Red Mountain Flower, White Cap | |
Restore Magicka | Briar Heart, Creep Cluster, Dwarven Oil, Ectoplasm, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Frost Salts, Giant Lichen, Grass Pod, Human Flesh, Moon Sugar, Mora Tapinella, Pearl, Red Mountain Flower, Taproot, Vampire Dust, White Cap | |
River Betty | Damage Health | Crimson Nirnroot, Deathbell, Ectoplasm, Falmer Ear, Human Flesh, Human Heart, Imp Stool, Jarrin Root, Nightshade, Nirnroot, Red Mountain Flower, River Betty, Skeever Tail, Small Antlers, Troll Fat, Void Salts |
Fortify Alteration | Grass Pod, River Betty, Spriggan Sap | |
Fortify Carry Weight | Creep Cluster, Giant's Toe, Hawk Beak, River Betty, Scaly Pholiata, Wisp Wrappings | |
Slow | Deathbell, Large Antlers, River Betty, Salt Pile | |
Rock Warbler Egg | Damage Stamina | Blisterwort, Blue Butterfly Wing, Bone Meal, Canis Root, Crimson Nirnroot, Cyrodilic Spadetail, Giant's Toe, Jarrin Root, Nirnroot, Rock Warbler Egg, Spider Egg |
Fortify One-Handed | Bear Claws, Canis Root, Hanging Moss, Hawk Feathers, Rock Warbler Egg, Small Pearl | |
Restore Health | Blisterwort, Blue Dartwing, Blue Mountain Flower, Butterfly Wing, Charred Skeever Hide, Daedra Heart, Eye of Sabre Cat, Imp Stool, Rock Warbler Egg, Swamp Fungal Pod, Wheat | |
Weakness to Magic | Creep Cluster, Dwarven Oil, Jazbay Grapes, Rock Warbler Egg, Salt Pile, Scaly Pholiata, Taproot, Torchbug Thorax | |
Sabre Cat Tooth | Fortify Heavy Armor | Ice Wraith Teeth, Sabre Cat Tooth, Slaughterfish Scales, Thistle Branch, White Cap |
Fortify Smithing | Blisterwort, Glowing Mushroom, Sabre Cat Tooth, Spriggan Sap | |
Restore Stamina | Bear Claws, Bee, Charred Skeever Hide, Eye of Sabre Cat, Hawk Beak, Histcarp, Honeycomb, Large Antlers, Mudcrab Chitin, Orange Dartwing, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg, Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain Flower, Sabre Cat Tooth, Silverside Perch, Small Pearl, Torchbug Thorax, Wisp Wrappings | |
Weakness to Poison | Abecean Longfin, Bleeding Crown, Chaurus Eggs, Deathbell, Giant Lichen, Pine Thrush Egg, Sabre Cat Tooth, Small Antlers | |
Salt Pile | Fortify Restoration | Abecean Longfin, Cyrodilic Spadetail, Salt Pile, Small Antlers, Small Pearl |
Regenerate Magicka | Dwarven Oil, Fire Salts, Garlic, Jazbay Grapes, Moon Sugar, Salt Pile, Taproot | |
Slow | Deathbell, Large Antlers, River Betty, Salt Pile | |
Weakness to Magic | Creep Cluster, Dwarven Oil, Jazbay Grapes, Rock Warbler Egg, Salt Pile, Scaly Pholiata, Taproot, Torchbug Thorax | |
Scaly Pholiata | Fortify Carry Weight | Creep Cluster, Giant's Toe, Hawk Beak, River Betty, Scaly Pholiata, Wisp Wrappings |
Fortify Illusion | Dragon's Tongue, Dwarven Oil, Mora Tapinella, Scaly Pholiata, Taproot | |
Regenerate Stamina | Bee, Fly Amanita, Mora Tapinella, Scaly Pholiata | |
Weakness to Magic | Creep Cluster, Dwarven Oil, Jazbay Grapes, Rock Warbler Egg, Salt Pile, Scaly Pholiata, Taproot, Torchbug Thorax | |
Silverside Perch | Damage Stamina Regen | Creep Cluster, Daedra Heart, Frost Mirriam, Giant's Toe, Histcarp, Juniper Berries, Large Antlers, Silverside Perch, Skeever Tail, Wheat |
Ravage Health | Cyrodilic Spadetail, Eye of Sabre Cat, Giant Lichen, Jazbay Grapes, Silverside Perch, Skeever Tail | |
Resist Frost | Frost Mirriam, Frost Salts, Hawk Beak, Moon Sugar, Purple Mountain Flower, Silverside Perch, Slaughterfish Scales, Small Pearl, Snowberries, Thistle Branch | |
Restore Stamina | Bear Claws, Bee, Charred Skeever Hide, Eye of Sabre Cat, Hawk Beak, Histcarp, Honeycomb, Large Antlers, Mudcrab Chitin, Orange Dartwing, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg, Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain Flower, Sabre Cat Tooth, Silverside Perch, Small Pearl, Torchbug Thorax, Wisp Wrappings | |
Skeever Tail | Damage Health | Crimson Nirnroot, Deathbell, Ectoplasm, Falmer Ear, Human Flesh, Human Heart, Imp Stool, Jarrin Root, Nightshade, Nirnroot, Red Mountain Flower, River Betty, Skeever Tail, Small Antlers, Troll Fat, Void Salts |
Damage Stamina Regen | Creep Cluster, Daedra Heart, Frost Mirriam, Giant's Toe, Histcarp, Juniper Berries, Large Antlers, Silverside Perch, Skeever Tail, Wheat | |
Fortify Light Armor | Beehive Husk, Hawk Feathers, Honeycomb, Luna Moth Wing, Skeever Tail | |
Ravage Health | Cyrodilic Spadetail, Eye of Sabre Cat, Giant Lichen, Jazbay Grapes, Silverside Perch, Skeever Tail | |
Slaughterfish Egg | Fortify Pickpocket | Blue Dartwing, , Orange Dartwing, Slaughterfish Egg |
Fortify Stamina | Chaurus Eggs, Garlic, Large Antlers, Lavender, Slaughterfish Egg, Torchbug Thorax | |
Lingering Damage Health | Imp Stool, Mora Tapinella, Orange Dartwing, Slaughterfish Egg, Slaughterfish Scales | |
Resist Poison | Beehive Husk, Charred Skeever Hide, Falmer Ear, Garlic, Grass Pod, Mudcrab Chitin, Slaughterfish Egg, Thistle Branch, Troll Fat | |
Slaughterfish Scales | Fortify Block | Bleeding Crown, Briar Heart, Honeycomb, Pearl, Slaughterfish Scales, Tundra Cotton |
Fortify Heavy Armor | Ice Wraith Teeth, Sabre Cat Tooth, Slaughterfish Scales, Thistle Branch, White Cap | |
Lingering Damage Health | Imp Stool, Mora Tapinella, Orange Dartwing, Slaughterfish Egg, Slaughterfish Scales | |
Resist Frost | Frost Mirriam, Frost Salts, Hawk Beak, Moon Sugar, Purple Mountain Flower, Silverside Perch, Slaughterfish Scales, Small Pearl, Snowberries, Thistle Branch | |
Small Antlers | Damage Health | Crimson Nirnroot, Deathbell, Ectoplasm, Falmer Ear, Human Flesh, Human Heart, Imp Stool, Jarrin Root, Nightshade, Nirnroot, Red Mountain Flower, River Betty, Skeever Tail, Small Antlers, Troll Fat, Void Salts |
Fortify Restoration | Abecean Longfin, Cyrodilic Spadetail, Salt Pile, Small Antlers, Small Pearl | |
Lingering Damage Stamina | Butterfly Wing, Chicken's Egg, Nightshade, Small Antlers | |
Weakness to Poison | Abecean Longfin, Bleeding Crown, Chaurus Eggs, Deathbell, Giant Lichen, Pine Thrush Egg, Sabre Cat Tooth, Small Antlers | |
Small Pearl | Fortify One-Handed | Bear Claws, Canis Root, Hanging Moss, Hawk Feathers, Rock Warbler Egg, Small Pearl |
Fortify Restoration | Abecean Longfin, Cyrodilic Spadetail, Salt Pile, Small Antlers, Small Pearl | |
Resist Frost | Frost Mirriam, Frost Salts, Hawk Beak, Moon Sugar, Purple Mountain Flower, Silverside Perch, Slaughterfish Scales, Small Pearl, Snowberries, Thistle Branch | |
Restore Stamina | Bear Claws, Bee, Charred Skeever Hide, Eye of Sabre Cat, Hawk Beak, Histcarp, Honeycomb, Large Antlers, Mudcrab Chitin, Orange Dartwing, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg, Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain Flower, Sabre Cat Tooth, Silverside Perch, Small Pearl, Torchbug Thorax, Wisp Wrappings | |
Snowberries | Fortify Enchanting | Blue Butterfly Wing, Hagraven Claw, Snowberries, Spriggan Sap |
Resist Fire | Bone Meal, Dragon's Tongue, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Fly Amanita, Mudcrab Chitin, Snowberries | |
Resist Frost | Frost Mirriam, Frost Salts, Hawk Beak, Moon Sugar, Purple Mountain Flower, Silverside Perch, Slaughterfish Scales, Small Pearl, Snowberries, Thistle Branch | |
Resist Shock | Blue Dartwing, Glow Dust, Glowing Mushroom, Hawk Beak, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg, Snowberries, Swamp Fungal Pod | |
Spider Egg | Damage Magicka Regen | Bear Claws, Blue Butterfly Wing, Blue Mountain Flower, Chicken's Egg, Glow Dust, Hanging Moss, Human Heart, Jarrin Root, Nightshade, Spider Egg, Spriggan Sap |
Damage Stamina | Blisterwort, Blue Butterfly Wing, Bone Meal, Canis Root, Crimson Nirnroot, Cyrodilic Spadetail, Giant's Toe, Jarrin Root, Nirnroot, Rock Warbler Egg, Spider Egg | |
Fortify Lockpicking | Falmer Ear, Niamira's Rot, Pine Thrush Egg, Spider Egg | |
Fortify Marksman | Canis Root, Elves Ear, Juniper Berries, Spider Egg | |
Spriggan Sap | Damage Magicka Regen | Bear Claws, Blue Butterfly Wing, Blue Mountain Flower, Chicken's Egg, Glow Dust, Hanging Moss, Human Heart, Jarrin Root, Nightshade, Spider Egg, Spriggan Sap |
Fortify Alteration | Grass Pod, River Betty, Spriggan Sap | |
Fortify Enchanting | Blue Butterfly Wing, Hagraven Claw, Snowberries, Spriggan Sap | |
Fortify Smithing | Blisterwort, Glowing Mushroom, Sabre Cat Tooth, Spriggan Sap | |
Swamp Fungal Pod | Lingering Damage Magicka | Hagraven Claw, Purple Mountain Flower, Swamp Fungal Pod, Torchbug Thorax, Wheat |
Paralysis | Briar Heart, Canis Root, Human Flesh, Imp Stool, Swamp Fungal Pod | |
Resist Shock | Blue Dartwing, Glow Dust, Glowing Mushroom, Hawk Beak, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg, Snowberries, Swamp Fungal Pod | |
Restore Health | Blisterwort, Blue Dartwing, Blue Mountain Flower, Butterfly Wing, Charred Skeever Hide, Daedra Heart, Eye of Sabre Cat, Imp Stool, Rock Warbler Egg, Swamp Fungal Pod, Wheat | |
Taproot | Fortify Illusion | Dragon's Tongue, Dwarven Oil, Mora Tapinella, Scaly Pholiata, Taproot |
Regenerate Magicka | Dwarven Oil, Fire Salts, Garlic, Jazbay Grapes, Moon Sugar, Salt Pile, Taproot | |
Restore Magicka | Briar Heart, Creep Cluster, Dwarven Oil, Ectoplasm, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Frost Salts, Giant Lichen, Grass Pod, Human Flesh, Moon Sugar, Mora Tapinella, Pearl, Red Mountain Flower, Taproot, Vampire Dust, White Cap | |
Weakness to Magic | Creep Cluster, Dwarven Oil, Jazbay Grapes, Rock Warbler Egg, Salt Pile, Scaly Pholiata, Taproot, Torchbug Thorax | |
Thistle Branch | Fortify Heavy Armor | Ice Wraith Teeth, Sabre Cat Tooth, Slaughterfish Scales, Thistle Branch, White Cap |
Ravage Stamina | Bee, Bone Meal, Deathbell, Honeycomb, Thistle Branch | |
Resist Frost | Frost Mirriam, Frost Salts, Hawk Beak, Moon Sugar, Purple Mountain Flower, Silverside Perch, Slaughterfish Scales, Small Pearl, Snowberries, Thistle Branch | |
Resist Poison | Beehive Husk, Charred Skeever Hide, Falmer Ear, Garlic, Grass Pod, Mudcrab Chitin, Slaughterfish Egg, Thistle Branch, Troll Fat | |
Torchbug Thorax | Fortify Stamina | Chaurus Eggs, Garlic, Large Antlers, Lavender, Slaughterfish Egg, Torchbug Thorax |
Lingering Damage Magicka | Hagraven Claw, Purple Mountain Flower, Swamp Fungal Pod, Torchbug Thorax, Wheat | |
Restore Stamina | Bear Claws, Bee, Charred Skeever Hide, Eye of Sabre Cat, Hawk Beak, Histcarp, Honeycomb, Large Antlers, Mudcrab Chitin, Orange Dartwing, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg, Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain Flower, Sabre Cat Tooth, Silverside Perch, Small Pearl, Torchbug Thorax, Wisp Wrappings | |
Weakness to Magic | Creep Cluster, Dwarven Oil, Jazbay Grapes, Rock Warbler Egg, Salt Pile, Scaly Pholiata, Taproot, Torchbug Thorax | |
Troll Fat | Damage Health | Crimson Nirnroot, Deathbell, Ectoplasm, Falmer Ear, Human Flesh, Human Heart, Imp Stool, Jarrin Root, Nightshade, Nirnroot, Red Mountain Flower, River Betty, Skeever Tail, Small Antlers, Troll Fat, Void Salts |
Fortify Two-Handed | Dragon's Tongue, Fly Amanita, Troll Fat | |
Frenzy | Blisterwort, Falmer Ear, Fly Amanita, Hagraven Feathers, Human Heart, Troll Fat | |
Resist Poison | Beehive Husk, Charred Skeever Hide, Falmer Ear, Garlic, Grass Pod, Mudcrab Chitin, Slaughterfish Egg, Thistle Branch, Troll Fat | |
Tundra Cotton | Butterfly Wing, Dragon's Tongue, Hagraven Claw, Tundra Cotton | |
Fortify Block | Bleeding Crown, Briar Heart, Honeycomb, Pearl, Slaughterfish Scales, Tundra Cotton | |
Fortify Magicka | Briar Heart, Ectoplasm, Histcarp, Jazbay Grapes, Red Mountain Flower, Tundra Cotton, Void Salts | |
Resist Magic | Bleeding Crown, Chicken's Egg, Crimson Nirnroot, Hagraven Claw, Lavender, Nirnroot, Tundra Cotton, Void Salts, Wisp Wrappings | |
Vampire Dust | Cure Disease | Charred Skeever Hide, Hawk Feathers, Mudcrab Chitin, Vampire Dust |
Invisibility | Chaurus Eggs, Crimson Nirnroot, Ice Wraith Teeth, Luna Moth Wing, Nirnroot, Vampire Dust | |
Regenerate Health | Garlic, Juniper Berries, Luna Moth Wing, Niamira's Rot, , Vampire Dust | |
Restore Magicka | Briar Heart, Creep Cluster, Dwarven Oil, Ectoplasm, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Frost Salts, Giant Lichen, Grass Pod, Human Flesh, Moon Sugar, Mora Tapinella, Pearl, Red Mountain Flower, Taproot, Vampire Dust, White Cap | |
Void Salts | Damage Health | Crimson Nirnroot, Deathbell, Ectoplasm, Falmer Ear, Human Flesh, Human Heart, Imp Stool, Jarrin Root, Nightshade, Nirnroot, Red Mountain Flower, River Betty, Skeever Tail, Small Antlers, Troll Fat, Void Salts |
Fortify Magicka | Briar Heart, Ectoplasm, Histcarp, Jazbay Grapes, Red Mountain Flower, Tundra Cotton, Void Salts | |
Resist Magic | Bleeding Crown, Chicken's Egg, Crimson Nirnroot, Hagraven Claw, Lavender, Nirnroot, Tundra Cotton, Void Salts, Wisp Wrappings | |
Weakness to Shock | Bee, Giant Lichen, Hagraven Feathers, Void Salts | |
Wheat | Damage Stamina Regen | Creep Cluster, Daedra Heart, Frost Mirriam, Giant's Toe, Histcarp, Juniper Berries, Large Antlers, Silverside Perch, Skeever Tail, Wheat |
Fortify Health | Bear Claws, Blue Mountain Flower, Giant's Toe, Glowing Mushroom, Hanging Moss, Wheat | |
Lingering Damage Magicka | Hagraven Claw, Purple Mountain Flower, Swamp Fungal Pod, Torchbug Thorax, Wheat | |
Restore Health | Blisterwort, Blue Dartwing, Blue Mountain Flower, Butterfly Wing, Charred Skeever Hide, Daedra Heart, Eye of Sabre Cat, Imp Stool, Rock Warbler Egg, Swamp Fungal Pod, Wheat | |
White Cap | Fortify Heavy Armor | Ice Wraith Teeth, Sabre Cat Tooth, Slaughterfish Scales, Thistle Branch, White Cap |
Ravage Magicka | Frost Mirriam, Grass Pod, Lavender, Orange Dartwing, Red Mountain Flower, White Cap | |
Restore Magicka | Briar Heart, Creep Cluster, Dwarven Oil, Ectoplasm, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Frost Salts, Giant Lichen, Grass Pod, Human Flesh, Moon Sugar, Mora Tapinella, Pearl, Red Mountain Flower, Taproot, Vampire Dust, White Cap | |
Weakness to Frost | Abecean Longfin, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Ice Wraith Teeth, White Cap | |
Wisp Wrappings | Fortify Carry Weight | Creep Cluster, Giant's Toe, Hawk Beak, River Betty, Scaly Pholiata, Wisp Wrappings |
Fortify Destruction | Beehive Husk, Ectoplasm, Glow Dust, Glowing Mushroom, Nightshade, Wisp Wrappings | |
Resist Magic | Bleeding Crown, Chicken's Egg, Crimson Nirnroot, Hagraven Claw, Lavender, Nirnroot, Tundra Cotton, Void Salts, Wisp Wrappings | |
Restore Stamina | Bear Claws, Bee, Charred Skeever Hide, Eye of Sabre Cat, Hawk Beak, Histcarp, Honeycomb, Large Antlers, Mudcrab Chitin, Orange Dartwing, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg, Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain Flower, Sabre Cat Tooth, Silverside Perch, Small Pearl, Torchbug Thorax, Wisp Wrappings |
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